Ucommon Conditions You May Not Know About

Have you at any point, gone over a state of mind, or turmoil that you’ve never known about, nor experienced anything similar, yet you would like to have a more broad knowledge of said condition? You’d be surprised with the amount of uncommon conditions you may not know about.

Although some emotional conditions are well-known (ex. depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, among so many more) with treatment and other possible alternatives, there are still other mental health disorders that we don’t know anything about; even more, some of them we didn’t even know existed. Furthermore, even the most experienced professionals don’t quite comprehend the reasons behind these conditions, much less how to properly treat them without giving an erroneous diagnose.
uncommon conditions you may not know about
With that being said, here is a quick overview of 8 uncommon conditions that you may not know about.

Please keep in mind that while these conditions are uncommon, there are still people out there who are dealing with these consistently. Their struggles and worries are completely valid as any other individual who might be going through something similar, or even something completely different.


Erotomania is a rare mental health condition where an individual strongly believes that somebody, regardless of whether a big name or somebody they know, is frantically in love with them.

They hold on to the idea that the other person is madly in love with them without even having any solid evidence to back that up. These are not selfish or ego-centered individuals, these are normal human beings with a mental disability that strongly makes them believe, and ensures them that a stranger has fallen in love with them.

Some of the symptoms that this condition portrays can include, but are not limited to:

  • Impulsively sending letters, gifts, emails, or texts to the other person
  • Insistently calling them
  • Believing that the other person is trying to communicate with them through gestures and glances
  • They spend their time consuming media about the other individual, whether they are a celebrity or not
  • Jealousy caused by the idea of the other individual having a relationship with someone else

This condition tends to be only an admiration type of feeling that the person with the condition doesn’t follow up on, but other times it can become more serious.

Musical Ear Syndrome

Musical ear syndrome is a condition that causes musical auditory hallucinations and the feeling of too much noise around them when in reality there is none.  Furthermore, let’s keep in perspective the fact that it can likewise emerge from a minor injury, certain medications, and even stress. This condition can cause extraordinary degrees of uneasiness as they might be hearing the same sound on repeat.

There is no specific therapy treatment for this condition so it depends on each individual, the case, and what the doctor thinks might be good and helpful for the patient regarding their healing process.

Visual Snow Syndrome

Those with this uncommon condition experience a neurological disorder that can be narrowed down to the sensation of non-stop visual disturbance. People with this disorder can perceive what can best be portrayed as static or visual commotion overlaid on everything in their field of vision; meaning that it has a similarity to a snow-like storm.

uncommon conditions
The estimated age of the visual snow population seems to be more of a challenge for the younger population than for many older people with a neurological disorder. The seriousness changes from one individual to another. Some of the most common symptoms include sensitivity to light, impaired night vision, visual images that persist even after the portrait has been taken away from them, or is no longer there.

This condition isn’t viewed as a life-threatening disorder and is regularly said to have little to no impact on a person’s daily routines.

Alien Hand Syndrome

Alien hand syndrome occurs when your hand believes it has a mind of it’s own, thus continues to do things like twitch, flinch, and so on without your control. It might likewise carry on in resistance. Envision getting a piece of clothing off the floor, just to have your hand unexpectedly and deliberately drop it down.

This is a neurological condition with no cure found so far. Yet, there are many treatment choices out there that are available to help the patient manage this struggle.

Folie Á Deux

As much of an uncommon condition that this might be, I think somewhere, somehow, we have heard about it; even if we didn’t know the right name for it back then. This condition can be defined as a similar mental disorder that’s affecting two or more individuals at the same time. This condition is also known as the shared psychotic disorder which can be categorized as a rare delusional disorder that affects those who have close ties.

These are the standards that Dewhurst and Todd described when referring to this disorder:

  • Clear evidence that the individuals had been in a close and intimate relationship
  • An elevated level of resemblance between these individuals; although the formal psychosis may vary
  • Direct evidence that the individuals share support, and accept each other’s delusions

Hemispatial Neglect

This uncommon condition can be categorized as a syndrome that reduces awareness in a person’s brain. This is one of those rare mental health conditions that not everyone knows about, but it’s far more common; although it is extremely challenging to treat and understand.

The brain damage that hemispatial neglect causes is located on the right side of the brain. It has been stated that this syndrome can be caused by several different pathological conditions, but it is mostly concerning whenever hemorrhage and cerebral injuries are in place.

uncommon conditions that you may not know about
Currently, one of the most known tests that can be done on a person who experiences symptoms is called the cancellation task. This test consists of the task to examine the individual and see if they’re able to find and cancel (mark with a pen) target items spread on an A4 sized sheet of paper that is placed right in front of the individual to examine the capacity of how the right side of the brain is currently working.


Synesthesia is defined as a neurological condition in which information intended to stimulate one of your senses instead stimulates several of your senses in such a way that you have no control over those actions.

Seeing colors with sound is one of the many distinguished symptoms, a person may also have days, words, and numbers, associated with colors or mixed up.

To put it into perspective, let’s picture this: Thursday is purple. Orange is located in October.

This uncommon condition has not been classified as a disorder, but rather as a one-of-a-kind encounter that not everyone may perceive in a positive way.

Factitious Disorder

This is another rare disorder, it has a mixture of confusion, and I’m almost certain that some of us have known people with this.

Let’s put it into perspective, yet once again: have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of doing your chores, going to a doctor’s appointment, or anything that you didn’t want to do, but you were still in no state to fully decide for yourself? Those who suffer from factitious disorder take this idea and along with a hypothetical scenario to a completely different level, an extreme level if you might add. Individuals with this disorder will intentionally try to get ill or harm themselves just to appear sicker, or if they’re not even sick, to pretend they are so they can get out of their responsibilities.

It may be difficult and complicated to determine if someone has this disorder as they can become highly advanced at faking their symptoms. This is especially risky, as they may take life-endangering measures to convince others of their illness. This can be due to several things to which can include: a complex of superiority in the form of seeking attention, they want others to feel sorry for them, or they just like to spread misinformation and make others worry about them when in reality nothing is wrong.

2 thoughts on “Ucommon Conditions You May Not Know About”

  1. Thank you very much for this helpful post. I think I am suffering from a musical ear syndrome. And it has been gradually affecting me every day. I didn’t know this could be a thing. But as I have been around with close friends, they tell me that it’s not normal and that infact I have been developing this during the past months.

    1. It’s scary to dive deeper towards the uncommon, but I hope that you’re managing well and taking care of yourself.

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