Mood Boost Review – Is It Worth It?

LES Labs Mood Boost Review

According to the American Institute of Stress, about 77% of individuals experience stress that can have an impact on their physical health, another 73% of stressed individuals, their mental health is also in danger.

There is a high potential for individuals to be impacted by stress. This health issue is one of the #1 biggest concerns for students. Let’s be honest, we have all been through a stressful situation whether it regards work, school, your personal life, financial situations, etc. Not knowing how to deal with this can be even more stressful, you see where I’m going with this? Stress is inevitable.

Not every stress supplement works, so for that, I took the change to dig in and find a supplement that has actually worked for a lot of people.

Mood Boost Review 

Product name: LES Labs Mood Boost, Anxiety Relief Supplement, Stress Relief, Mood Enhancer & Sleep Aid (Mood Boost)

Best for: People who struggle with stress and anxiety

Price: $29.99

Overall rank: 4.5 out of 5

LES Labs Mood Boost OverviewMood boost review

The Mood Boost vegetarian capsules are a natural dietary supplement that helps you lower your anxiety and makes your stress levels more manageable. The actual goal of these supplements is to promote a more positive and more stable mindset, which I personally know that it can be hard sometimes, but with this supplement you can actually enjoy a stress-free day, or week, you’ll never know.

Each bottle contains a count of 60 natural ingredient and herbal extract capsules. if you’re not satisfied with the end results and would like your money back, they have a 60-day money back guarantee so you can purchase the supplements without feeling the pressure of not knowing what to do if for some reason they don’t work on you.


If you’re like me, I’m sure you’ll want what’s best for you and your well-being. We don’t want any toxic things going into our bodies, and that’s why I really think this product may be good for you, I say “may” because everyone’s body is different. So, you’ll need to try it for yourself if you really want to see the end results, this is all solely based from my opinions and personal thoughts.
Mood Boost is made with herbs and nothing that’ll make your body feel weak, or nothing that could put your life in danger.

The main ingredients on these supplements include:

  • 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) – This is a chemical that can be found in seeds from an African plant called Griffonia. This plant-based ingredient is used to moderate depression, insomnia, anxiety, headaches, etc. 5-HTP helps your brain increase the production of a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin may affect sleep, appetite and pain sensations. Therefore, it is used to play an important role in your mental health.
  • Ashwagandha – This is a herb-based plant whose roots and berries are used to make effective remedies. Ashwagandha can be used for anxiety, arthritis, bipolar disorder, insomnia, among other things. This plant is also used as a mechanism to help the body deal with everyday stress.
  • L-Tyrosine – This amino acid can be found in certain protein-rich foods. When dealing with excessive work and insomnia starts to kick-in, L-Tyrosine is a great source of stress and anxiety reduction to help you find a better sleeping pattern.
  • Passion Flower – Used when it regards anxiety and sleeping disorders. It has been said that using this herb causes no harm to the body, nor to your mental state, to the contrary, it gives you a more effective use of your time since you’re going to be having a better good night sleep and a worry-less day. It has also been said that it is great for children.
  • L-Theanine – Another amino acid that can be found in tea leaves and in a certain amount of Bay Bolete mushrooms. Many people take L-Theanine because of how well it promotes relaxation without feeling like you might pass out. It is a great supplement that helps you release stress and unwind. Mood boost supplements

The Good And The Not So Good

Like everything else in life, we have the good aspects of something, but we also have the negative aspects of said thing. Here, I am going to be discussing a little bit of both worlds

The Good

PRO #1 – It improves your sleeping quality. You know, when you’re stressed or anxious it’s sometimes really hard to find a steady pace to fall asleep. We can spend hours tossing and turning in our beds, and the next thing we know, it’s already 7 am and time to start, yet another day. Luckily, these capsules will help you improve your sleeping schedule which is a great relief for some of us.

PRO #2 – It is a good alternative for prescription pills that are just full of chemicals. Though, if you’re already using prescription pills then I would recommend that you talk with your doctor about these beforehand.

PRO #3Mood Boost does not contain any GMO ingredients.

If you don’t know what GMO is, I will quickly give you an overview.

GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. What does that mean? It means that the products (plants, animals, etc) have been artificially manipulated so that the product either lasts longer, or it will make it develop faster than what it is supposed to. GMOs are chemicals that are inserted into the food and some medications that you take, which can be really damaging to your body.

The Bad

CON #1 – It is not a cure for any mental disorder that you may have. I need to clarify that, because a lot of people purchase the product and think that it’s going to resolve all their problems and magically cure them. It is only a supplement that is meant to help you, not completely cure you.

CON #2 – This is not really a con, but it is better to have it out there than not having it at all; if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any type of prescription medication, it is safer to consult with your doctor rather than making that decision on your own.

Is It Worth The Money?

As human beings we’re all managing at our own pace and how our body wants us to do so. Therefore, yes I think this product is worth the money you may be spending on it. But, do keep in mind that everyone’s bodies react differently to these types of supplements. Therefore, what can work for me may not work for you and vise-versa.

Mood boost review

As the saying goes, you’ll never know until you try it, right? It’s actually a really affordable supplement, that who knows, it may even change your whole life!

If you’re interested in trying this product, click on the link below to get access to your own Mood Boost supplement capsules.

1 thought on “Mood Boost Review – Is It Worth It?”

  1. I deal with anxiety on a daily basis, especially at work. I have tried many things, including holy basil and recently I have started using hemp gummies, which I do think work a little, but I can still feel the anxiety. The LES Labs Mood Boost seems like it would be interesting to try, doesn’t look like there is anything bad in it, and no GMO’s is a big plus. Thank you for doing the research on this, it is very helpful!

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